
Did You Know

I am aware this is old. I am also aware if I watched this last year, I don’t remember. This made me think about many things. None of them pleasant. What do you think? Although one of the things I got from this little clip is that I don’t think. I have slowly been programed …

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10 With Wrinkles

I think I was 10. In my neighbors back yard I chased a lizard until he disappeared under a cracked cement slab. I wanted that lizard. I thought he would make a great pet. The neighborhood kids agreed and for a couple of hours we persisted. We tried luring with food. We tried badgering with …

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I love watching my grown children love their significant others with gentleness and consideration. It is so sweet to me. There are few things that can open up a woman’s heart like tenderness. Any effort at authentic intimacy that touches the soul with little or no awareness of the body that shelters it will embrace …

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