
Birthday Wishes

DSC_0171Today was Christopher’s birthday. It always seems to fall around Christmas time! What is up with that?

I think he is going for the Santa look this year. He and his boys are having a beard contest. I think he is winning.

This year Wistie and Saac got him the exact same card! I think he got everything he asked for or needed. This year I was smart. I took him shopping with me. That way he would not have an excuse to return anything. Although the year he picked out his guitar he still returned that!

DSC_0137So, Christopher, Happy Birthday. By the time you read this it will probably be my birthday, but you never know. And I just want you to know I think you make lovely children. They are kind…like you. Funny…sometimes like you. and cute…so like you! Hope you had a wonderful day.