
No Matter What

I started a tradition and didn’t even know it. I started taking my daughters on “mommy trips”. Just the two of us. Last year I took Ciera to Oregon and Northern California. We rented a car and went wherever we felt like going. One day we sat in an amusement park arguing. But at the end we reached a new understanding and not necessarily about the other person.

This week Wistie and I are going to Newport Beach. Just the two of us. Sort of.
Again I rented a car and we will go wherever we want. I hope we don’t argue in the amusement park, but if we do I know it’ll end up alright.

This isn’t a time when I give sage advice, because frankly I don’t have any. I don’t think I talk too much about me or my life, unless they ask and really want to know. I try really hard not to “interview” them on these trips, but sometimes being me gets in the way of us.

I know I will always be “the mom”, but I am discovering that the relationship I developed with them as children has evolved into a wonderful relationship as adults. I still remind them that “I am the Mom!” and I tell them I am not their friend and they don’t have to like me, but the truth for me is they are my bestest friends.

They always love me, no matter what. And I them.

Traditions. I like em.