
Woman of the Year

BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MESA ARIZONA – My business partner has been nominated for KEZ Woman of the Year. On Thursday they are having a big shindig to honor the 12 women who have been nominated this year. Cyndi does not expect to win but, after all she has been through, she does deserve some positive recognition.

Today, we were talking about how the Zambia project began. We recalled how naïve we were to think we could start the film industry in Zambia. Cyndi commented that she was always most excited about giving a voice to a people and culture that had not ever had been heard in the global cinema before. Now that this film — the first one written by a Zambian, directed by a Zambian and featuring an all Zambian cast — is almost finished, she feels a certain satisfaction that we made that happen. I think she should be proud of herself. I don’t know of anyone who rallied fourteen students, four faculty, a cast of more than fifty Zambians, and numerous supports in Zambia to accomplish such an endeavor. Do you? Didn’t think so.

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