Acacia Tree

Ode to Zambia

After almost twenty years since my Zambia adventure, I came across something I had written while there. I decided to experiment with some FCPX tools and combine some creative ideas. It is true; I miss my creative crew and am so grateful I had the Zambia film producing opportunity. I woke up this week and …

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A Ukrainian Refugee Documentary

Until You Feel This (Trailer) Ukrainian Refugees share their war stories in UNTIL YOU FEEL THIS. On February 24, 2014, Russia invaded Ukraine, occupying and annexing Crimea. The world did nothing to stop or hold Russia accountable for this unprovoked assault. On February 24, 2022, Ukrainian citizens once again woke up to explosions, fire, …

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Choice Rules

I was raised in a church that taught, “All children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the kingdom of heaven.”  In the Catholic Church, seven is the age of accountability. In another, it is eight. Some churches put it at 12 since that was the age at which …

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Badge of Honor

Have you ever watched a child avoid doing chores, homework, or some unpleasant task and then wear a badge of honor for his lackadaisical behavior?  I have. My mother-in-law professes that all children are lazy. I don’t know if that is true, but it might be.  A child circles the room, looking busy, while the …

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And That Sucks

Our family had just moved into a new community. We knew a few families in the area, so I anticipated settling into the community and finding purpose. Neighbors informed us that word had spread about our family before we had even unpacked. That should have been a red flag. Instead, I had high hopes we …

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Alone on a Beach
Family Writing

I Left The Church

Being a member of the LDS church is living as a member in a worldwide community. No matter where you go, you find members with an immediate connection of established values. Those members become your resource for friendships and relationships. They become a network for your children to befriend. A “safe” house you feel comfortable …

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