After breaking down in the heat of the Arizona sun…
We arrived too late for an evening Newport swim, but the next day…. we managed to recuperate and get ready for….
Was way too much fun! We closed the park down! Love Splash Mountain. And I am a survivor of Tower of Terror.
Aren’t I cool? Yea, I am!
More sleeping, more sun, more fun!
Love my peeps!
Could use less of the peeps from the little peeps.
Escaped in the wee morning hours and read to my hearts content. Love Jane Austin. Felt a little trepidation when the earthquake hit. But we managed to go with the flow.
I must admit it was difficult to relax knowing I would be home for 48 hours before the festivities began to celebrate Ben and Breann’s wedding. But I managed.
Ben and Breann’s Wedding!
Could June get to be more fun and memorable?
Seeing friends and family this weekend just might make it so!
And those we don’t get to see… well, we’ll miss you.
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