
My Daughter, My Friend


Happy birthday Cierajo! I hope your day is one where you celebrate your life. I know I am glad you were born! You have taught me how to enjoy being a Mom.

I hope you take some time today and think about your future. One thing I have learned is what Tennessee Williams said, “Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.”

One of my hopes for you is that you discover people around you that can appreciate who you are and that you appreciate who they are. One of the most wonderful discoveries in life is that true friends are those that can grow separately without growing apart. I know recently you have felt disappointed in those you once called your friends. I believe you have learned from these experiences and can better define the kind of people you will choose to associate with in the future. Friendships are born, not made. You can not force anyone to be your friend anymore then someone can force you to be their friend. And why would we want to. Friendship is based on trust and loyalty and the ability to be who we really are and still feel safe and accepted and loved. I hope you find those kinds of friends and if you don’t… you will always have your family who will love you and embrace you because you are YOU.

Have a wonderful day! You deserve it!