

Would someone please enlighten me? PLEASE! We are driving down the freeway… quickly. I notice many red lights that signal to me that there is a problem ahead. We break and (just for kicks we will refer to the driver as…the driver) the driver begins to maneuver through traffic trying to get ahead of all …

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20 years

I thought this month about being my age. Mostly I am ok with it. But this week the reality of how quickly the next 20 years will come and go hit a nerve. Of course my nerves seem a tad rawer lately. This summer when I tried to pull myself out of the pool… it …

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Second Step

Now that you have your photos categorized, dated and in order, you probably have started down the path of memory lane and you might be feeling a little overwhelmed. Stop it. Remember, one bite at a time. The important part of any successful operation is organization. This process has already begun. Remember there is no …

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One Bite At A Time

This last weekend, I spent some time up in the White Mountains at a Women’s Retreat. Since I am a documentary filmmaker, they asked if I would come and give a presentation about documenting their lives. In the past, most people resorted to personal journals and photo albums as the tools to capture life experience. …

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Traveling Companions

One of the conversations we had was about work. I talked about Chris and his ability to always enjoy whatever he was doing. I think he says his motto is, “if your going to do a job, do it well,” but I think his motto is, “Life is work so you might as well enjoy …

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Rein them IN!

I have had it with the under 30 crowd. They are way out of control. Me – “Give me a minute while I download this file.” Them – “You are not downloading …. Your uploading. Geez you sound like an idiot!” Me – “You can email your friend to invite her over tomorrow. I will …

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