
Driving Crazy

Saac came in and said. “Mom, have you seen the look on dad’s face? He loves driving tractor!” I reminded Saac that he used to get a kick out of driving tractor once upon a time. I told him to take a picture. (He likes driving camera now.) Ciera came in later and she confided …

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Mother’s Day Memories

Thank you Ciera for paying attention. Thank you for trying to make mother’s day a special day for me. Thank you for spending time with me and wanting to spend time with me, even if it was just laying in the hammock and talking. I enjoyed our time together.

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No Nuts Please

Mothers Day. Oh boy. In my lifetime, I have run the gamut on this holiday. As a child I looked forward to honoring my mother and her efforts on my behalf. As a young wife, I was eight (8) months pregnant on my first “married Mother’s Day.” I received the small gift passed out in …

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She’s BACK

How do I know she is back? First clue is my car is gone, my keys are gone and there are dirty dishes. Okay, more than the normal amount of dirty dishes. She did lie next to me this evening to watch AMERICAN IDOL and then she had the nerve to ask me to make …

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One Question

Two days of traveling and two days of … not traveling. I just have one question. Where is it written that Moms go to clean out their daughters apartments so they can receive their security deposit back? Where? I told Chris to let Wistie pack up and clean and then she could call us and …

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BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MESA ARIZONA – Fun weekend just hanging with my “homey” in her new home quite far away from home. We ate, we played, we ate some more. We bought matching skirts! We are weird. I kicked butt in bowling. She was a tad grumpy. I was told it was a genetic …

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Serial Silly

BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MESA ARIZONA – Tonight Ciera, Chris and I went grocery shopping. Chris likes to push the cart because his back hurts and then he has something to lean on. Ciera and I ran around the store picking out items. Chris always tries to talk us out of things and then always …

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Still Lost

BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MESA ARIZONA – They say it is life affirming when people ask what you would like for your birthday and they honor your requests. It is totally validating to have your needs and wants acknowledged. It’s something else when they totally ignore you. Today, my friends, gave me a “surprise” luncheon. …

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BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MESA, ARIZONA — At my Aunt’s funeral, my cousin hugged my sisters and then extended his hand and introduced himself to me. I looked into his eyes to see if he was jesting but, no, he wasn’t. He really did not know me. Sister Joan & Cousin Dev He had prepared …

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Going Home

BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MESA ARIZONA – I was unsettled at work today. I edited a section and I believe it improved. Then I brought it into place in the section and realized I had forgotten the overall plan. After juggling it together, I finally released it to the finisher. She promises me she will …

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