BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MESA ARIZONA — I love research. We have a big sheet of butcher paper on the wall above our worktable. On the table are about 10 books all about our most recent subject. Most of our research is about two ladies. To get started, we divided them up. They are both …
Category: Random
Hurt Me with Hurt
BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MESA, ARZONA — I was writing a script for the opening segment on a documentary I have been working on for seven years. I was researching and came upon the life of two very inspiring people who lived 400 years ago. Thus has begun another new project. In the process of …
What Is So
PAMELA JO BOWMAN – MESA ARIZONA–Sometimes, when I am talking to people, I really believe I know what they are thinking by how they react physically and by how they say what they say. As a screenwriter, I have been taught that 95% of the story is carried in the nonverbal, in the visuals. Only …
BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN – MESA ARIZONA- Well, this week was enlightening in so many ways and it has just begun! Yesterday I read a paper inviting parents to an evening to educate them about current drugs, drug use and how to pay attention to subtle behavior changes. I grew up in the 6o’s. I …
We The People
BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MESA, ARIZONA — People are superior to governments. “We the people … do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” We, the people, created the government to help safeguard our rights. We are superior to that entity. We need to remain master over it, not allow it …
BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN – MESA ARIZONA –“Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood” — William Shakespeare. Now in truth, I really need to look up scurrility and affectation, but I am too busy, obviously not learned enough and would much rather believe I …
Done Our Best
BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN – MESA ARIZONA – When we have done our best, we should wait the result in peace. – John Lubbock, 1834-1913, English Archaeologist / Naturalist / Politician In a week we will be celebrating. The labor hearing will have ended. The results will be announced and there will be nothing more …
An Examined Life
BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN – MESA ARIZONA – A friend of a friend said she’d heard that 97% of the world’s population chooses to live an unexamined life. The statistics suggested that humans find it uncomfortable to really think about their lives, their choices, and their situations. I heard it and wondered, “Is that true?” …
The Voice of Others
BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN – MESA ARIZONA — One of the truths I have embraced this year is that everyone has a right to their own uniquely individual creative expression. Sometimes our voice is the one that is to be expressed and sometimes we are the ears to hear the expression of the voice of …
Randy Pausch
BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN – MESA ARIZONA — I generally start off my day reading the news. This morning, I treated myself to a news video on a guy named Randy Pausch. He is a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon. He is a husband and father of three children. He is funny. He is …