
The Signal is Given

BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MESA, USA – “Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer …

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Pooper Scooper

Pamela Jo Bowman – Mesa, AZ – As I get older, I am seeing that life takes you exactly where you ask to be taken. I’m also seeing that when I arrive, it usually doesn’t quite look the way I imagined. As a child living in a large city, I remember that I wanted a …

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Moving Up

BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MESA, USA — “Movin up to the east side.” Now that I have been to the East Side of New York, I know what the heck George Jefferson was talking about! I am not really moving to the East Side or anywhere else for that matter. I am, however, moving to …

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Enlightened Art in the Dark

BY PAMELA BOWMAN, MANHATTAN, USA — She went into teacher mode before we even arrived at the museum. I had to tease her and asked if there would be a quiz at the end of the field trip! She wasn’t sure if I was serious until she saw me trying to hide my smile. “My …

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Where the Girls Aren’t

BY PAMELA BOWMAN, MANHATTAN, USA — I walked through the halls of the Metropolitan Museum of Art experiencing the work of great artists through the ages. It was an overwhelming experience. On each wall, in each crevice and around every corner was a record in some form of our history. I kept searching because I …

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TOWARDS DARKNESS Shines at Tribeca

BY PAMELA BOWMAN, MANHATTAN, USA — Yesterday we went to the press conference for TOWARDS DARKNESS. Written and directed by Antonio Negret, it is the story about a disastrous Columbian kidnapping. While there have been several films about the rampant kidnappings in Latin America, this film is unique because Negret’s family has experienced the phenomenon …

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Blessing in Disguise

BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MANHATTAN, USA — I woke up today and, like all days, checked my email. Being a member of the press covering the festival at Tribeca I receive numerous emails every day. Today was no exception. As a member of the press, my job is to attend the press conferences, the press …

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What’s the Story?

BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MANHATTAN, NEW YORK – Today we took the opportunity to watch three documentary films at a venue for the press. WILL EISNER, PORTRAIT OF A SEQUENTIAL ARTIST; TWO EMBRACES; BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH. We do like documentaries. We recognize how more people are beginning to appreciate them as well. We acknowledge …

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BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, TRIBECA, NEW YORK – We walked by a restuarant in Tribeca and I immediately wanted to eat at this restaurant. Any eating establishment that has several limos out front and chauffeurs waiting under the awning seems like a safe bet. It took a bit of convincing for me to seriously consider …

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