“Mom, Tyler asked if you were old yet. He said he can’t imagine you ever getting old.” My 32-year-old son was visiting an old neighborhood friend on a recent out of state trip. This was part of their conversation. At first I was amused because, well, girls just want to have fun. But I haven’t …
Category: Random
Due Diligence
Choices. It isn’t always about the lesser of two evils, but right now it sure feels that way. We all, hopefully, have a wide range of friends with an equally wide range of political views. Perhaps some civilly discuss their differing views, but that has not been my experience. Some may invest the time and …
Curiosity is Not Courage
I’ve been writing. And I’ve come to understand the importance of writing every day. You risk losing the flow of writing in the absence of the daily current. In re-reading this script, well, it, the story feels choppy, kind of like riding through river rapids. It can be exhilarating, but you can also get off …
Pride and Prejudice
Saturday, Ciera and I watched Pride and Prejudice for her birthday. My girls and I kind of like that movie. It went along with what I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. This thing called love. And I readily admit I am a little slow on the uptake so forgive me, but…. My thoughts begin …
Health Care Reform
I do not even try to pretend to understand the political issues being bantered back and forth between parties, families and friends. Everyone is so heated and convinced that the “other side” means harm to our freedoms and country. With all the noise and rhetoric, I feel I am not getting an objective point of …
I’m Sorry…
I realize I’m a little slow on the uptake. I actually believe what everyone says to me. It is later, as I begin to dissect the conversation that I realize something does not ring true. Or sometimes you have to hit me over the head. Take for instance, apologies. It took me years to realize …
Driving Miss Crazy
I am teaching my daughter to drive. She has not been in a hurry, but last month I heard about a really disturbing incident. I heard about a young girl who went to work. Her boss left an important work element (the life giving clipboard) at a local large warehouse store we shall call the …
Want to Get There
On one of my computer screens I have a picture of a road that disappears into tuly fog. It reminds me of traveling to the mountains in California along Jack Tone Road or headed south toward Corcoran. Sometimes, not very often, we became shrouded in tuly fog. It was thick and clearly dangerous for travelers. …
The List
Sometimes I feel the only thing coming out of my mouth are the negative thoughts tumbling in my head. Often those thoughts roll and merge until I don’t even notice the blue of the sky or my eyes that are still able to see it, if I just would stop, breath and see it all. …
I have a question for President Obama and Governor Romney. Humpty Dumpty straddled a wall. With pushing and pulling and gnashing of teeth, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. How are you going to put humpty Dumpty back together again? I could ask you about our economy, Syria, health reform, abortion, religion, outsourcing, and education. …