Information Random


Today I walked into my employer’s office. He was in a discussion with another attorney. I handed him identical letters to sign. Both needed to be mailed, one certified and the other standard mail. He needed to sign both. No copies allowed. “How did you know that Pam?” “She’s such a smart girl!” “Wow.” “You’re …

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Information Random

Not the Dowager Part

‘One day, a dowager of the breed that mistake impertinence for wit took a swipe at him.’ Victor Hugo from Les Misérables I love that line. ‘of the breed that mistake impertinence for wit’. Who hasn’t been of that breed at one youthful or drunken or weak moment in their life? (Not the Dowager part, …

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Information Random

I Know What You Are Thinking…I Think

I sometimes realize that I don’t know what other people are thinking, but I don’t believe that. I believe I do know. If you were to watch a movie and see actors act, most of the time whatever they are “thinking” is conveyed by what they do, not so much by what they say. Now …

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Living Far Away

This week a friend visited. We spent time in conversation. That is what we do. We talked. We shared the good things that were happening and celebrated each others accomplishments and momentous moments. We laughed. She complained some about her life and I suppose I complained some about mine. We listened. Then she said to …

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