I have been avoiding this season’s T.V. lineup. I don’t care too much for T.V. Mostly it seems like a HUGE waste of time. Having said that, I do read about show premises. This season I read about GLEE. Honestly, I was grudgingly interested, probably because…I can’t sing. Hidden inside is this fantasy about singing and what that must feel like, blah, blah, blah.
My kids, some of my friends, other family members and even business associates are avid followers. Finally, my daughter sat me down, turned on hulu and forced me to watch the first episode. Or maybe it was the second because I have heard about an episode where there was some scenes I might find objectionable. Haven’t encountered them as yet. What I have encountered are some characters that showcase people in my life and I bet yours.
I ponder on certain story lines. And I fear that the predicable will happen, at times it does, but many times I am surprised. I like to be surprised. I love that the characters are familiar, but also are quirky. I love that. Aren’t we all a little quirky? A show that actually embraces our differences and a show that has the courage to be politically irreverent. It really is brilliant in its honesty.
I also like to be inspired. And that is really what the show is doing for me. Inspiring me to go for my dreams and also validating my efforts as I try to encourage others to go for theirs.
Yes, I was up this morning at 6:15 hitting the streets for some exercise. By 8:30 I have the laundry done, the kids off, the house clean and I am ready to work.
It isn’t really about the show. It’s about that the show will go on with or with out me. I think I’d like my quirkiness to show up. How about you?