
A Ukrainian Refugee Documentary

Until You Feel This (Trailer)


Ukrainian Refugees share their war stories in UNTIL YOU FEEL THIS. On February 24, 2014, Russia invaded Ukraine, occupying and annexing Crimea. The world did nothing to stop or hold Russia accountable for this unprovoked assault.

On February 24, 2022, Ukrainian citizens once again woke up to explosions, fire, and chaos. No one knew how long this new invasion would last. As the bombs fell and Russian soldiers arrived, men enlisted in the military to fight Putin’s aggression. Women and children were left defenseless in their homes.

In 2022, US officials stated that Russia’s invasion and unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine was not just an assault on Ukrainian freedom and liberty but also a threat to global order. As Putin refused to stop his efforts to invade and annex more of Ukraine, European countries supported Ukraine, and it’s refugees.

Many women and children escaped through Poland and other countries. They sought refuge with the help of family, friends and strangers. Many countries allowed refugees into their country and helped them find a safe place until the war ended and they could return home. Many continue to live in various parts of the world, unsure of their future. They remain committed to their country as they adjust to life as a refugee.

UNTIL YOU FEEL THIS, the documentary shares the stories of the women and children of war-torn Ukraine.