
Hurt Me with Hurt

BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN, MESA, ARZONA — I was writing a script for the opening segment on a documentary I have been working on for seven years. I was researching and came upon the life of two very inspiring people who lived 400 years ago. Thus has begun another new project.

In the process of researching and writing, I begin to imagine and envision different actors who I feel could portray the characters. 220px-William_Hurt_(2005).jpgI begin to research what the actors have done, what their point of view is, what projects inspire and motivate them. One actor that makes me believe in the characters he plays is William Hurt. Even though I can’t imagine him in any of the characters in any of our screenplays, I googled him anyway. In one of the articles I read, he was asked about his idea on the meaning of life. He is quoted as saying, “There’s fear or faith. If you’re living by fear, then you’re always looking for security. If you’re living by faith, then you’re always looking for freedom.”

I knew there was a reason why I liked his acting. After reading that, I believe I would like him as a friend as well … which brought up another thought … why are we are attracted to certain people and certain ideas? And then the research begins again, as does the conversation at work.

I tell Cyndi, “Stop talking! We need to keep working.” She looks at me with surprise and responds, “You are hurting me. This is working!!”

Good to know. Researching … working.