BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN MESA AZ – Well, that was fun. My first Sundance film festival. Who’d have thought!?! I was surprised by so many things, but mostly I surprised myself. I was so disheartened the first few days. I was watching movies and very few were movies that left me feeling empowered on any level. Finally after attending some panel discussions and interviewing a few producers and directors I began to catch a vision, MY vision.
I can see how movies are shifting. It is like so many other fields of work. Technology is forcing specialization. Even in film, I sense it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to be a jack of all trades. I also feel that filmmakers can sense the power and necessity behind networking and combining efforts. One filmmaker, who in the past has always been a solo act, collaborated on her last project with an AD (art director). She feels her film is richer and more compelling because of the combined gifts and talents. I have experienced that as well this year. I have learned from the crew the power of inter-dependence. Everyone from the crew, cast and creators depended on one another. How crucial it was to establish that trust that others would do their job while others counted on me to do mine.
So we are back and more excited then ever about all of our projects. I hate for the night to come that steals away the time to create and discover and learn. So I continue working into the night! It is so liberating to finally be able to define how I want to spend “my” time and energy. It is equally rewarding to develop ideas into thought and possibilities. Mid life really is a wonderful place to be. So bring it on 2007. I am determined. I am empowered. I am ready.