
Manifested Wishes

I have often wished, over the last few months, for a week-end of relaxation to the point of boredom. It is wonderful when what you asked for actually looks like what you imagine.

This week-end started off with the sound of laughter in my home. My friends came over to start the Christmas season. We ate Pizza, the boys/men watched football, we ate chips and dip and candy and quenched our thirst with Wassail. We played our favorite game and now I have a buddha in my bathroom. He is cute!

Saturday I participated in a boutique, outside, in the rain. I came home and thawed out on my couch with tomato soup, hot chocolate and afternoon movies. That evening we went out to dinner thanks to a gift card and tonight we listened to this amazing man sing.
(You can click on the x on the ads and they will go away.)

Finally, a week-end that felt like a week-end should feel. Relax-full.

Since what I am wishing for seems to be coming to pass… I wish us all such moments.