Two days of traveling and two days of … not traveling. I just have one question. Where is it written that Moms go to clean out their daughters apartments so they can receive their security deposit back? Where?
I told Chris to let Wistie pack up and clean and then she could call us and we would be more then happy to pick her up, once the slopes shut down. But NO! “I think she needs our help.” I do not remember my mother EVER helping me clean my apartment. However, I do remember helping CHRIS clean his! At least she comes by it honestly!
Now I fear we have set the precedence for Cierajo. I told her that in 6 years when she is college bound I will be too old for this stuff. She just smiled and looked at her Dad.
The last night Wistie and Cierajo had a slumber party in her immaculate apartment. Pizza and movies and chocolate and no blankets or shower curtain or tooth brush. How could they stand it? I have to brush every two hours or go crazy!
So now the whole family is home for a week. I was home 5 minutes before the crowds started arriving, wanting …dinner! Fortunately, my boys had prepared breakfast for dinner. Brings up another question … Ummm, where did they learn how to cook?
you didn’t have to clean! seriously, you talking about this makes me feel guilt. what are you, a mother or something?
The lord taught me how to cook. It was either cook, eat my companion fixed, or starve. I still got a couple tricks up my sleeve you dont know about. 🙂