Oregon Park walk way- very GREEN. Ciera- That monster will eat us!!. Ciera got drenched on the boat ride. We all got drenched on the boat ride! What a cute and funny girl!! Loved sitting outside by the water! Loved jumping the waves! The sand was warm and inviting! Not sure what the sunglasses were …
Oregon Trail
Ciera thought we would be in more rain showers. Instead we have been enjoying the Oregon sunshine. We had a lovely evening on a boat ride. Were told to wear appropriate clothes for swimming. We did get refreshingly sprayed a time or two. Enough to curl my hair! Enjoyed a delightful dinner at a magnificent …
Mirror Mirror
Do you know how many baby boomers there are? 78 Million. Amazing. Over 50% of the United States assets are owned by the baby boomers. This site, if you care to take a look, holds a collection of photographs of people who had dreams once upon a time. Some came true, some didn’t. Many of …
About Time
It has been over three years since I have been here. What is true is this picture sits on my computer. I suppose that would be a form of self torture. Sometimes, I visualize myself on the raft pushing off those who challenge my reign as queen. I can recall the feeling of floating through …
Stale Mint
Yesterday Ciera offered me two different mints. I declined. Today she told me if she were to offer me two different mints in quick succession it means she is doing me a favor and to eat one of them. Good to know. I hate that I am getting old, but not caring about having bad …
Fringe Benefits
I often ponder about the poisonous and insidious diatribe that is so prevalent in our society today. Every group has an agenda and assisted by statistics and data are able to influence and recruit the masses to jump on any bandwagon. But not you, right? Certainly not me. We are the exception. We are the …
Birth Day
“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” Henry David Thoreau: Happy Birthday Ciera Jo! So glad you are brave enough to sing your song. Keep singing.
One of the wonderful lessons I have learned during the last 4 years is the power of partnership. This last week, my writing partner and I had some revelatory discussions. Honest dialogues. We have reached a point in this relationship where we know we can say what we really think or feel about a character …
Weekend with The Girls
I wish I could say I took these pictures of the vibrant flowers we found on the Alpine Loop this week-end, but I must give credit to Ciera. She has a good eye. I’m all about the people who are there sharing the experience with you.
Wants Not
Write. Splatter the page with covert words. Suffocating between the sheets. Confused, contrived and denied Expire in heartless stead. Write. Until what is alleged is understood. What is sensed suffereth long. The lines and pauses and pages persevere. Suppressed lips liberate censored wrongs. Write. Others will own and mirror what they will. Embracing the pain …