I believe this has been a fun holiday season! How you deal with hard times really does teach yourself how you deal with life. For us, we choose to chill with friends and family and just live in the moment, Superman style! There is nothing that says, “good friends” like sharing underwear. In my defense, …
New Years Resolution – Do IT!
Blogging for Profit You can make money by writing about a topic that you know and love! Share your insights and information and get paid for doing it! Monetize your blog NOW! Create residual income today. GREENing Productions is offering MONETIZE YOUR BLOG classes this Monday, December 28th, 2009. Attend this workshop and you will …
Memo to Self
Wow. Have I mentioned that writing is hard? I should perhaps clarify. Having someone read your work, the work you spent 6 months researching. The work you spent another month outlining. The work you spent 6 months writing only to have “people” read it and say, “nice writing, but ( I HATE that word) needs …
Social Stuperiors
In America everybody is of the opinion that he has no social superiors, since all men are equal, but he does not admit that he has no social inferiors, for, from the time of Jefferson onward, the doctrine that all men are equal applies only upwards, not downwards. Bertrand Russell What is it with class …
Birthday Wishes
Today was Christopher’s birthday. It always seems to fall around Christmas time! What is up with that? I think he is going for the Santa look this year. He and his boys are having a beard contest. I think he is winning. This year Wistie and Saac got him the exact same card! I think …
Cloud Hugging
I alternate between riding my bike, walking or not doing any exercise at all! Lately, with the cold weather “C” has been winning! A week ago when I rode to my favorite park it was cloudy and cold, but I persevered. It was worth it because no one else was out. I love that! I …
The holiday season is not hard to embrace when you get to attend events like this. I love seeing these young teenagers experiencing their “glee” moments. I know I will never experience what it feels like to have a talent that can touch peoples hearts, as I believe only music can, but I do not …
I Need a Parking Lot
Outside England ‘s Bristol Zoo there is a parking lot for 150 cars and 8 buses. For 25 years, its parking fees were managed by a very pleasant attendant. The fees were £1 for cars ($1.40), £5 for busses (about $7). Then, one day, after 25 solid years of never missing a day of work, …
I Vote B
“There is a theory which states that if ever for any reason anyone discovers what exactly the Universe is for and why it is here it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another that states that this has already happened. Douglas Adams