My sister asked that I come and help her transition out of this life. So that is what I did.
America. This Is Us!
This is not us. As of March 2, 2023, there were, 336 million 157 thousand, 983 citizens of the United states. On Jan 6 2021, merely 120,000 thousand tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power. 700 people have been charged. .00003570 Americans choose an un-American action to subvert American democracy. Hanging a flag on …
Nova Friendship
The importance of friendships throughout our lives
Warning! Danger! – What Now?
It wasn’t a swoosh. Even with several inches of freshly fallen snow, I could hear the fight between metal and ice. The ice was winning. I could tell because of the sharp piercing slide. A warning, DANGER AHEAD or in my case, behind.
Two Billionth
We watch her chest slowly rise and fall and then stop. We freeze. Tears spring to our eyes. Silence deafens us. Our faces crumble. Our lips quiver and our hearts break. We hesitantly look at each other.
And then she breaths again.
COVID SURVIVOR (Part 1) Sharp knives of light and energy penetrate every pore on my scalp. Underneath the daggers plays a constant hum. It does not pulsate. It does not waiver. It is a steady overall explosion of my brain in technicolor.
COVID – THE FLOOD (Part 2) I wash my hands, COVID precaution, even though I already have it. Have to be responsible. I step out of the bathroom on to my squishy carpet. Funny I didn’t notice that when I waddled in here. I walk upstairs and walk on water toward the kitchen. I find water cascading out from under our kitchen sink. I am so confused.
Covid Survivor – The Hospital (Part 3)
Continued from Part 2 Our appointment is at 6 pm. We are early. Old people are like that. I am not sure when I got old, but there you have it. We snake around the empty hospital parking lot, questioning where to go. “Are we suppose to go to the emergency room?” I weakly ask, …