
BanJoe’s Birthday

Today is Ben’s 23rd birthday. As I was putting this together… I cried. These moments are my moments. These images brought back so many memories and times. Hugs with chubby little fingers and wet snotty kisses. Who’d of thought one would miss that?! Now when my children hug me, it is my chubby fingers (sort …

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Baby’s Gone

This month is crazy for Ciera Jo. Every week she has another performance, activity or SOMETHING that makes her feel just a tad stressed out. This week was no different. We didn’t think she would make it to this performance because she had that cold/cough thing and well, I hear that when you have one …

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Dig up the Dirt!

Have you noticed… That when you read other people’s blogs everyone looks like they are having a really good time, all the time? Now, don’t get your hair in the air! I am not suggesting that everyone become morose… but maybe a tad more real would be nice. I am in the midst of writing …

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Father Daughter Duet

Ciera is trying to earn money for her choir school trip to California this Spring. She participated in the talent show and so of course we filmed it. Actually Ben filmed this. I need to talk to him about filming, shooting, lighting… Anyway, enjoy this girl! I know I do! Click here to see Ciera …

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Writing is Hard

Writing is hard. Sometimes I feel like, what the heck am I doing? What makes me think I can write? I crawl up into a ball, well, actually I can’t really crawl into a ball anymore, but I can still handle the fetal position… So I lay, tightly, in fetal position and feel pretty worthless. …

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I love the writing process. We are in the middle of writing the amazing story of Anne and Mary. As we started the research we kept uncovering little nuggets of information that enabled us to get to know these women. They died over 300 years ago, but sometimes I feel like they are so alive. …

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Tax Man

It’s tax time. For most of us that means doing an inventory, gathering information and filing. For others… well I don’t know what others do. Oh wait, I think they ignore them and hope they go away. Well, they don’t. So, please take the time and just get it done! Taxes and death, you know …

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Mormon Colonies

Happy Birthday Pamela Jo

BY CYNDI GREENING, ARIZONA — Another year has come and gone; it is so much easier to mark the passing time with annual events. I have a particular cluster of marking events … it begins with the holidays, continues through the Sundance Film Festival and peaks with Pamela Jo’s birthday on the last day of …

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Day At Sundance

It is fun to share parts of my life with those who are interested. Fortunately Wistie is. So I took her to Park City for a day. I think she likes hanging with me… but you never know. She is honest and funny and easy going. I know I like hanging with her. She is …

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Got To Have Friends

This last week I experienced something I had never experienced before. I found out what it felt like to be left out, on purpose, because “some” of the people didn’t and don’t like me. I always believed if you spend the time getting to know someone you would discover redeeming qualities. I still believe that, …

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