We created this ad for a small publication in the Mesa, Arizona area. It will be out next week. I posted it and sent out the link to some friends for feedback and before I woke the next morning someone had already purchased a copy of The Mormon Colonies in Mexico DVD. All along this …
Beat Life Up
Sometimes life beats you up. This month has been … growthful. Is that the right word? I was talking to someone about how difficult it is at times to believe in anything when so many things are unbelievable. There is all this violence in the world. So much hate and prejudice and ugliness and … …
INSTRUCTORS: Pamela Jo Bowman and Cyndi Greening have been teaching 3D animation, filmmaking and media arts to individuals and groups at Phoenix Country Day School, Arizona State University, and Maricopa Community Colleges since 1989. They took a 14-member student crew to Zambia, Africa to make the first dramatic narrative feature film in that country and …
Little Boy Blue
Watch a movie about Christopher Isaac “Saac” is my first born child. My guinea pig for sure. He delights in telling me stories of all my mistakes, but if my mistakes were what made him as wonderful as he is then dang I am good! Happy Birthday Saac. I cherish you and always will. …
Weary, but Willing
So weary. We taught today. We taught 13–year-olds a software program called Maya. It is very complex. I have decided that engineers must have created it. I truly believe that those brainiacs cannot comprehend the many different ways that people think. I certainly realize that I do not think like engineers! They make everything unnecessarily …
Inspiring Woman
Click to see a movie about Wisteria Marie Bowman. Nineteen years ago I gave birth to my daughter and I cannot adequately express my feelings for her or how grateful I am for her presence in my life. She has always been a joy to watch as she grew and learned and embraced her own …
Steel Yourself
I had a teacher once who asked the class why they wanted to be an artist. Some responded because they wanted to make money. Her response to ANY art student whose goal was to make a living at art was, well, something like, if you want to make money, you should go into business or …
Cellular Distress
Ben bought himself an iPhone. This left an extra phone in our family plan. So what’s a Dad to do but let his youngest 12-year-old, 7th-grade, pre-pubescent precocious child use it when she leaves the house. Great, another reason for her to be gone. She asked me, ever so sweetly this morning if she could …
Be Afraid
Don’t you hate it when you have moments when the best thing you should do is find a cave, crawl in and stay there until nighttime comes and the blood sucking vampire that faces you from your mirror has been stabbed with that wooden stake through its heart? Today, I was walking toward the office …