Last week on a business trip I read the magazine on the plane. (another small pj issue) It enlightened me on the future, our future. Imagine making arrangements to meet a friend or spouse at a restaurant for a 6 p.m. dinner appointment. You are driving toward the restaurant when you get a text message …
Wistie recommended this song to me today. We listened to it together, sort of, over the phone. I agreed with her. It is a beautiful song. Reminded me of young love when the idea of forever and ever seemed natural, normal and possible. Now I believe that deep kind of love is unique, unusual and…. …
Manifested Wishes
I have often wished, over the last few months, for a week-end of relaxation to the point of boredom. It is wonderful when what you asked for actually looks like what you imagine. This week-end started off with the sound of laughter in my home. My friends came over to start the Christmas season. We …
The Land of Refuge
Order now! The supply is down to the last 10.
Every Life is Special
A few years ago I had the opportunity of producing a life documentary of an amazing woman. She had a remarkable life. She traveled and lived in foreign countries working, teaching and serving. Her and her husband were instrumental in building and operating a large teaching Academy in Mexico City. For three years they lived …