I haven’t stopped blogging. I write. I read. I delete. Its therapeutic. I can paraphrase. Yea…. Deleted again. I am thinking of creating a blog where no one knows it’s me and I can say whatever I want and not feel bad or wrong or worried about being bad or wrong or worried. Would you …
Nothing Ever Gets Done
A conversation – “Do you want to go? Really?” – “No. I feel like I need to.” – “Maybe you could start doing what you really want to do.” – “If everyone did what they wanted to do, nothing would ever get done.” Really. I think Thomas Edison would disagree. “I never did a days …
Are there pictures of me canoeing 4 miles up river while herding 45 teen-agers in 22 canoes? Nope. But I have sun burned knees and a very shiny red nose! Use your imagination. Are there pictures of all of us hauling said canoes half a mile up a steep mountain on our shoulders while walking …
Not the Dowager Part
‘One day, a dowager of the breed that mistake impertinence for wit took a swipe at him.’ Victor Hugo from Les Misérables I love that line. ‘of the breed that mistake impertinence for wit’. Who hasn’t been of that breed at one youthful or drunken or weak moment in their life? (Not the Dowager part, …
Tigger Day
Starting the drive to work a tad late and catching every red light on Val Vista started to define my day. At Main Street I was so close to getting the green! Heading toward University the Eeyore in me started to surface. “I can tell what kind of day this is going to be!” I …
A Test – Oh NO!
I have created a test. Take it or not. It’s all up to you. 1. After emptying your grocery cart in the store parking lot do you a. Take it back inside the store so the bag boy won’t have to bother with doing his job. b. Leave it in front of your vehicle so …
The Date is Set
June 11th, 2011. Saac is marrying the girl. Mark your calendars. Come party with us. I want to see your face! Plus I got a new dress! That’s the important part.
I Know What You Are Thinking…I Think
I sometimes realize that I don’t know what other people are thinking, but I don’t believe that. I believe I do know. If you were to watch a movie and see actors act, most of the time whatever they are “thinking” is conveyed by what they do, not so much by what they say. Now …
Choking Stress
Stress: The confusion created when one’s mind overrides the body’s basic desire to choke the living daylights out of some jerk who desperately deserves it…. Or doesn’t. I understand the paralyzed state. Been there a few times…this year. You know when there are so many things that NEED to be done you don’t do anything …