Requested by readers.
Monday August 28 2006 —
Visited Livingstone. Hiked around Victoria Falls. Great photos and footage
Ate lunch downtown . YUM!
Returned to Lodge. Enjoyed evening under the stars.
Slept well!
Tuesday August 29 2006 —
Took Helicopter ride over falls. AWESOME!
Toured wild animal park. Tons of elephants.
Drove back to Lusucka!
Wednesday August 30 —
Shoot court room scenes and prison scene. Intense!
Issue with frustrated actors. We don’t blame them!
Create courtroom out of nothing!
Once again problem solving capacity building.
Thursday August 31 —
Crew and cast at business for shoot.
Wrong location, but make do.
Pamela’s luggage is picked up. YEA!
Laundry is done- Good thing. Clothes were beginning to stand up all by themselves!
Shoot concert scene at Dolphin restaurant. Fun night! Dancing again.
Friday Sept. 1 2006 –
Sound person Susan leaves set early. Bummer!
Shoot exterior shots. Drive up to location.
Beautiful location, but not right for scene. Oh well shoot it anyway.
Drive back home. Worried about money for gas, food and essentials.
We make it back.
Go to Concert for Danny. Shoot concert. Fun!
Head home hungry and tired. Pam won’t stop for food. Lousy producer-tight with $.
Saturday Sept. 2 2006 –
Shoot more exterior shots.
Lunch with Mulenga-very productive for Cyndi and Pamela
Crew blogs and return home for party.
Cast angry about money issues.
Cyndi addresses issues then retires for the evening. She has had it.
Crew Dances and parties all night!
Sunday Sept. 3 2006 –
Crew sleeps in. Too much partying!
Cyndi and Pamela meet with Danny. What’s up with that?
Pack up.
Head out.
Shop for 15 minutes.
Get to airport in plenty of time.
So glad to be going home!
So glad to be done with this movie.
Monday Sept 4, 2006
Arrive home at 5 pm. Lost 8 hours in flight.
Pamela and Mike loose their luggage. Pam is cursed!
Hugs good-bye.
How to survive with out each other?
Go to bed and sleep!
Pam you are cursed….I got my luggage the next day…