August 21 2006 Monday:
Great Day- We were shooting at our lodge.
We got 11.5 pages done
Amazing experience — Looks like a great week ahead.
August 22 2006
We spoke too soon!
Ying yang for sure
By the afternoon we were back in the swing.
Amazing footage of bridal shower with drummers and dancing.
It can’t get much worse…can it?
August 23 2006 — Wednesday
Shot exterior shots around town
Went to Mtendere — a high density area.= scary!
Interviewed many of the people = SAD!
Let’s hurry out of here!
August 24th 2006 — Thursday
Lost the bus- Acquired a new bus. Great Bus driver named Benny.
Shot wedding scene at church.
Actress deliberately came five hours late to insult Cyndi. Lovely.
8 crew members left behind in dark to wait for ride- Looked for big dipper- received lesson on constellations in the southern hemisphere from oh brilliant one!
August 25th 2006 — Friday
Shot at ZNBC –violence on the set — oh boy the drama!
Something about the rules applying to everyone.
Shoot at restaurant with Dany.
Dinner at restaurant — Dancing again! Interesting evening.
August 26th 2006 — Saturday
Researched options concerning Pamela’s baggage.
After receiving laundry bill, crew spends morning doing their own.
Boys used latex gloves. They have such sensitive skin!
Went to Lusaka Playhouse for 50th Jubilee.
Was rude and left to go eat dinner and relax and do more laundry.
Cyndi calls her father to wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
August 27th 2006 — Sunday
Some go to church. Others slept.
Visit internet café. Blog. Shop for souvenirs.
Plan trip to Livingstone. Get bus arranged. Get hotel arranged. Should be fun.
Crew needs a break. Off we go!