BY PAMELA JO BOWMAN – MESA ARIZONA – We are still editing. We are still excited about the potential of these two films. As we review the footage and discuss ways to make these films tell the story, we become stubbornly determined to finish this work of art. For us Africa was like a dream. Were we really there? These films are evidence to us that yes we were there and we did what we said we would do. In our dark editing room we have moments of wonder at the beauty of Africa. We see the aspirations of the Zambian people in their eyes, in their determined stance, in their graceful, but unwavering movements. Their lives are an inspiration to us to keep working, to keep trying, to keep editing.
Because of the films and the expense of editing the films, we didn’t ever seriously consider spending the time and money it would take to go to Sundance this year. Cyndi has sold her house to pay off these films. That is how dedicated she is to them. As the time for the festival approached we received the program guide. During lunch breaks we would review what films would be shown, what panel discussions would be offered. We saw the seminars being taught by filmmakers we respect. It was then that we realized going to Sundance would benefit not only our filmmaking, but also our current films, BAD TIMING and VOICE OF AN AFRICAN NATION. We started toying with the idea. How could we do it? Could we take the time? How could we afford to go? Then one day we realized we could not afford NOT to go.
It was amazing how things fell into place. A small condo was cancelled and offered at a discounted price. Air miles were made available. Cyndi cannot finance anyone’s experience but her own. Those of us going are taking care of our own arrangements. We are going. As we watch the films and attend the discussions and seminars I believe everything we learn will be applied to our current project for Zambia. We will return in 10 days with an experience that will help us finish these films.
So Friday morning we fly to Salt Lake City. Brrrrrr. We get to stay right there at the Marriott in Park City! We feel bad for whoever had to cancel their Condo reservations….sort of! Kind of like their loss is our HUGE gain. Life works like that sometimes. We like to think that it was meant to be. Serendipity. Regardless we are looking forward to every moment. You can even see us on our live web casts reporting on all the events. Check out We’ll be there!